Chad and Ricky look over their collection and rank the top 25 cards in their collection, unveiling #s 20-16. Each week over the next 5 weeks they'll count down in to their #1 card - we invite the viewer to rank their cards and join us for the finale to show off #s 5-1!
Instagram: @packtothefuturepodcast
YouTube: Pack to the Future Podcast
Email: packtothefuturepodcast@gmail.com
Website: https://pttfpodcast.com
Promo Codes:
Pack - 10% off your zioncases.com order
PACK10 - 10% off your Basketball Card Fanatic Subscription at BCFmag.com
AFFILIATE: eBay link at pttfpodcast.com - click link and then shop as planned, the show gets a small cut in the process
01:28 Intro
05:00 iTunes Review of the Week
13:55 Torte Court
17:25 New Releases
30:00 Utah v BYU Aftermath
45:10 Top 25 #20-16